The South African Embassy in Buenos Aires

renders Immigration and Civic Services within the territories of the Republic of Argentina; the Republic of Paraguay and the Oriental Republic of Uruguay. Non- Argentine, Paraguayan and Uruguayan passport holders who wish to apply for visas or permits must have a valid long term or permanent residence permit in Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay.

Every country has the sovereign right to decide who may or may not enter its territory. A visa is an authorization only to the holder to proceed to the Republic to report to an immigration officer at a port of entry for the purpose of being examined as to his / her ability to comply with the (entry) requirements of the Immigration Act, 2002 (Act No 13 of 2002), as amended.

Possession of a visa does not guarantee the holder automatic admission into the Republic of South Africa.


    All applications must be submitted in person during the Consular working hours of the Embassy by appointment ONLY.

    • Address: 590 Marcelo T. de Alvear, 7th Floor, C1058AAF, Buenos Aires
    • Consular Hours: Tuesday to Thursday 09h00 – 12h00

    Please email OR Telephone +54 11 4317 2932 to schedule an appointment and for inquiries.


    Applicants living in the Republic of Paraguay can apply through the Honorary Consulate and do not need to travel to Buenos Aires to lodge an application:

    • Address: Fulgencio R. Moreno 509, 8 piso- Asunción- Paraguay

    Please email OR Telephone + 595-21441 971 to schedule an appointment.

    NOTE: As all applications are sent to the Embassy in Buenos Aires applicants are requested to apply timeously to allow for posting of the documents as well as the standard processing time of applications.


    Applicants living in the Oriental Republic of Uruguay have to apply in person at the South African Embassy in Buenos Aires as there is no Representation Office in Uruguay.

    Please email OR Telephone +54 11 4317 2932 to schedule an appointment and for inquiries.

Passport Entry Requirements

In order to comply with Regulation 2(1)(a) of the Immigration Act of 2014, only Machine Readable Travel Documents (MRTDs) will be accepted for entry and departure from South Africa. NO manually / electronically extended passports / travel documents will be accepted..
Passports / Travel documents must have at least 2 unused pages when presented to an Immigration Officer. All travel documents must be valid for a minimum of 30 days after intended date of departure from the Republic of South Africa.

Note: Visa pages referred to above do not include pages reserved for Endorsements, Amendments or Observations. Available pages must be indicated for visas.

Entry Requirements for Visa Exempt Countries


Passport / travel document holders from countries who are exempt from South African visa requirement (see: for a specific period and in respect of purposes for which a port of entry visa may be issued e.g. holiday, business meetings or when in transit must meet the following requirements prior to sojourning to the Republic:

  1. Be in possession of a machine readable passport valid for no less than thirty (30) days after the intended date of departure from the Republic;
  2. The passport / travel document MUST have at least two (2) blank pages labelled visas for endorsements;
  3. A statement / documentation detailing the purpose and duration of the visit;
  4. A valid return / onward ticket;
  5. Proof of sufficient financial means which shall be in the form of a recently issued bank certified statement with a minimum balance of equivalent R3 000.00 at current exchange rate; OR an undertaking by a host in South Africa;
  6. Proof of accommodation for the full duration of stay in the Republic;
  7. If travelling with minors; documentation in respect of the admission and departure of minor children under the age of 18 (please refer to ‘Travelling with Minors Section’ for required information)
  8. A yellow fever vaccination certificate; if the journey starts or entails passing through the yellow fever belt of Africa or South America within 14 days prior to arriving in the Republic.


  1. A visitor’s visa for the specific period of exemption may be issued at a South African port of entry in respect of:
    • tourism or visiting family and friends;
    • business meetings;
    • attending conferences, seminars or sports events;
    • medical treatment;
    • study, academic sabbaticals, research activities;
    • voluntary or charitable activities;
    • spouse to join a spouse who is in South African on a work or study visa
    • children to join parents who are in South Africa on a work or study visa
    • to work in film / modelling industry
  2. ALL foreign nationals (whether you are visa exempt or not) who intend conducting work in the Republic of South Africa for a period up to ninety (90) days, including, but not limited to, technicians, journalists and film crews, must submit a completed application for authorization to conduct work on a visitor’s visa in terms of Section 11(2).
  3. Non-machine readable / handwritten and electronically and / or manually extended passports are not accepted for entry
  4. In terms of Immigration Regulation 11(5), a person, other than a resident from a country with which the Republic of South Africa shares a border (Lesotho, Swaziland, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe and Mozambique), who is in possession of a visitor's visa issued on the basis of being exempt from South African visa control, shall upon his or her re-admission to the Republic, be admitted on the same visa, and where such visa has expired, may be admitted on a new visa valid for a period not exceeding seven (7) days: Provided that where that foreigner arrives at a port of entry from his or her country of residence, the new visa may be issued for a period not exceeding the period attached to the visa exemption.
  5. The Immigration Act, as amended, makes provision for an application for a once-off renewal / extension of a visitor’s visa for a further period, subject to the decision by the Department of Home Affairs. For renewal and extension of existing visas please refer to for requirements and timeframes.

Travelling with Minors

“Minor” means a child under the age of 18 years as defined in section 1 of the Children's Act, 2005.

Please click here for requirements for travelling with South African Minors and Foreign National Minors to and from South Africa.

Please click here to access to the parental consent affidavit & principal consent affidavit suggested forms.

Transit Visas

The Minister of Home Affairs has exempted travelers transiting through the following international airports of South Africa from transit visas in terms of Section 10B(4)(a) of the Immigration Act 2002:

  1. OR Tambo International
  2. Cape Town International
  3. King Shaka
  4. Lanseria

Travelers transiting these airports will be subjected to biometric capturing..

Travelers using land ports of entry to transit through South Africa will have to apply for a port of entry visa. Please refer to Application for a Port of Entry / Visitor’s Visa Section 11(1) fore requirements.

Deportees transiting MUST be in possession of transit visas and at all times must be escorted failing which they will be returned to the airline that conveyed them for removal from the Republic.

Transit visa requirements:

Please refer to the Application for a Port of Entry / Visitor’s Visa Section 11(1) for requirements.

Yellow Fever

Yellow fever is an infectious vector-borne disease that is caused by a virus transmitted by the bite of an infected mosquito vector such as Aëdes aegypti. South Africa has a risk of introduction of the disease as the mosquito vector exists in the country.

In line with the International Health Regulations, 2005, South Africa requires a valid yellow fever certificate from all citizens and non-citizens over one year of age:

  • Travelling from a yellow fever risk country; or
  • Having been in transit exceeding 12 hours, through the airport of a country with risk of yellow fever transmission;

Travelers who are in possession of an exemption certificate due to medical reasons will be:

  • Allowed entry;
  • Required to report any fever or other symptoms to the health authorities; and
  • Be placed under quarantine surveillance.
The Yellow Fever Vaccine MUST be administered 10 days before departure to South Africa at a yellow fever approved vaccination center as the vaccine offers protection 10 days after administration and provides lifetime immunity.

Accordingly, as of 11 July 2016, for either existing or new certificates, revaccination or a booster does of yellow fever vaccine is no longer required.

The lifetime validity of these certificates applies automatically to certificates issued after 11 July 2016, as well as certificates already issued.

List of countries for which a Yellow Fever vaccination certificate is required for entry into South Africa:


  • Angola
  • Benin
  • Burkina Faso
  • Burundi
  • Cameroon
  • Central African Republic
  • Chad
  • Congo
  • Cote d'lvoire
  • Republica Democrática del Congo
  • Guinea Ecuatorial
  • Ethiopia
  • Gabon
  • Gambia
  • Ghana


  • Guinea
  • Guinea-Bissau
  • Kenya
  • Liberia
  • Mali
  • Mauritania
  • Niger
  • Nigeria
  • Senegal
  • Sierra Leone
  • Sudan del Sur
  • Sudan
  • Togo
  • Uganda


  • Argentina
  • Bolivia
  • Brasil
  • Colombia
  • Ecuador
  • Guyana Francesa
  • Guyana
  • Panama
  • Paraguay
  • Peru
  • Suriname
  • Trinidad y Tobago
  • Venezuela

Can a Visa be issued for an internship?

No! The Immigration Act, as amended, makes no provisions for foreigners to undertake internships at companies and organizations in the Republic of South Africa. Therefore visas may not be issued to such foreigners, including foreign students whose studies prescribe an internship. Applicant must therefore apply for a General Work Visa.

Can visa requirements be waived?

Yes. The Minister of Home Affairs may, for good cause, waive any prescribed requirement. Please note that the waiver request must be submitted and approved by the Department of Home Affairs in South African before the visa application can be submitted.

Applicants residing in South African can refer to VFS Global for the procedure and requirements:

Applicants residing in Argentina, Paraguay or Uruguay can apply at the South African Embassy in Buenos Aires. DHA Form 48: Application for Waiver of Prescribed Requirements must be completed and submitted with supporting documentation at the Embassy.

Processing time for applications:

  • Temporary Residence visa applications for Business and general work visas will be finalized within 8 weeks or less (40 working days) and
  • Temporary Residence visa applications for Critical skills work visas will be finalized within 4 weeks or less (20 working days).
  • All other categories for Temporary Residence visa applications will be finalized in 60 working days from date of submission (renewals, change of conditions, extensions. Not applicable to Appeals) Permanent residence finalized within 8 months (Only for extra-ordinary skills, general work and business applications)
  • All other categories for permanent residence permit applications will be finalized between 12 to 24 months from date of submission.
Please note that all applications for waivers submitted at the Embassy is sent to the Department of Home Affairs in South Africa for adjudication and approval and the Embassy will therefore only make a follow-up on applications once the above noted time has lapsed.

Can an applicant appeal against a decision to refuse a visa?

Yes. An applicant, who wishes to appeal, must make representation to the Department of Home Affairs to review a decision within ten (10) working days of receiving such decision. All applications for appeal is adjudicated by the Department of Home Affairs and the South African Embassy abroad has no authority in the appeal. Please note that all documents submitted as part of a visa application is retained as Embassy / departmental record and is therefore not returned to applicants.

Please refer to VFS Global for the procedure and requirements

Applications for appeal can be lodged at the South African Embassy for onward transmission to the Department of Home Affairs.

Please note that the South African Mission abroad may not intervene in or obtain status / progress reports during the appeal process.

South African Missions abroad do not have the authority to repeal or adjudicate an appeal against a declaration of undesirability administered to a foreigner.

All applications of appeal must be lodged directly with the Department of Home Affairs in South Africa.

Please refer to the DHA Website for the procedure and requirements

Please note that the South African Mission abroad may not intervene in or obtain status / progress reports during the appeal process.

How much does a visa cost?


Costs of visas is determined by the type of visa application and is subject to change without notice. Payment for visas is done at the Embassy at time of application and payment is due in Argentine Pesos.

Please be aware that some countries may be subject to South African Visas but may not be subject to visa fees in terms of Section 11(1) of the Immigration Act.

  • Visitor's Visa
  • Section 11(2)
  • Treaty Visa
  • Business Visa
  • Medical Treatment
  • Relative's Visa
  • Retired Person’s Visa
  • General Work Visa
  • Exchange Visa (Cultural, Economic and Social Programmes)
  • Exchange Visa (Work Programmes)
  • Corporate Visa
  • Critical Skills Visa
  • Permanent Residence Visa
  • AR$
  • AR$
  • AR$
  • AR$
  • AR$
  • AR$
  • AR$
  • AR$
  • AR$

  • AR$
  • AR$
  • AR$
  • AR$
  • 3650,00
  • 3650,00
  • 3650,00
  • 3650,00
  • 13,060
  • 3650,00
  • 3650,00
  • 3650,00
  • 13,060

  • 3650,00
  • 13,060
  • 13,060
  • 13,060

Short Term and Long Term Visa Requirements

Downloadable Application Forms

  • DHA 84 – Form 11: Application for Port of Entry Visa or Transit Visa (for visits not exceeding 90 days)
  • DHA 1738 – Form 8: Application for Visa to Temporarily Sojourn in the Republic (for visits exceeding 90 days)
  • DHA 1743 – Form 13: Application for a Corporate Visa
  • DHA 947 – Form 18: Application for Permanent Residence Permit
  • DHA 1712A – Form 12: Affidavit in Respect of Parties to Permanent Homosexual or Heterosexual Relationships
  • BI-811: Medical Report
  • BI-806: Radiological Report
  • Form 48: Application for Waiver of Prescribed Requirements
  • Form 49: Notice of Appeal

Permanent Residence Permit

Applications for permanent residency in South Africa are considered in terms of Section 26 (Direct Residency Permits) and Section 27 (Residency-on-Other-Grounds Permits) of the Immigration Act 2002 (Act No 13 of 2002), and read with Regulation 33 of the Immigration Regulations. In terms of granting Permanent Residency Permits, emphasis is placed on immigrants who are in a position to make a meaningful contribution to broadening the economic base of South Africa.

A permanent residence permit shall be issued on condition that the applicant is neither a prohibited person nor undesirable person, in terms of the Immigration Act, as amended.

Applicants can refer to the Department of Home Affairs for further information or alternatively The Visa Facilitation Center (VFS) Website



The Director-General of the Department of Home Affairs may issue a permanent residence permit to a foreigner who:

  • Has been the holder of a work visa for five (5) years continuous years with an offer of permanent employment.

Applicants who fall under certain categories (teachers, lecturers etc.) will be required to have a proof of registration with a professional body, board or council in the republic, if applicable.

  • Has been the spouse of a South African citizen or permanent resident for five (5) years.

Applicants applying for a permanent residence permit maybe required to have proof that applicant has been a spouse of citizen or permanent resident for five years. A declaration of support for the application by the spouse who is a citizen or permanent resident and an identity document of the spouse who is the citizen or permanent resident will be required. If the spouse is a permanent resident, a copy of his or her permanent residence permit must be submitted.

  • Is the dependent (<18) of a South African citizen or permanent resident
  • Applicants applying for a permanent residence permit maybe required to provide consent (letter, bank statement, salary advice, proof of residence and or Identity documents) of both parents or guardian together with an undertaking to provide financial support to the applicant.

  • Is dependent (>21) of a South African citizen or permanent resident
  • Applicants applying for a permanent residence permit maybe required to provide consent (letter, bank statement, salary advice, proof of residence and or Identity documents) of person’s or guardian who you are dependent on with an undertaking to provide financial support to the applicant.


    The Director-General of the Department of Home Affairs, subject to any prescribed requirements, may issue a permanent residence permit to a foreigner of good and sound character who:

  • Has received an offer for permanent employment
  • Applicants applying for a permanent residence permit maybe required to provide an offer of permanent employment. (The work offer must clearly state the occupation to be followed and salary and benefits offered and may not be older than three months at the time of submission. The position is subject to confirmation by the Department that the permit is accommodated within the yearly limits of available permits.) Proof by the employer that the position exists and that the position and related job description was advertised as contemplated in regulation 23(1) and that no suitably qualified citizen or permanent resident was available to fill that position.

    A certificate from the Department of Labour or an extraction from the database of a salary benchmarking organisation detailing the average salary earned by a person occupying a similar position in the Republic and that the terms and conditions of the work offer are not inferior to those prevailing in the relevant market sector for citizens or permanent residents.

  • Possesses extraordinary skills or qualifications
  • Applicants applying for a permanent residence permit maybe required to provide;

    • Testimonials from previous employers, if applicable.
    • Comprehensive curriculum vitae.
    • A letter from a foreign or South African organ of state or from an established South African academic, cultural or business body confirming the applicant’s extraordinary skills or qualifications.
    • Other proof to substantiate extraordinary skills or qualifications, such as publications and testimonials.
    • Proof that the extraordinary skill shall add value to the South African environment in which he or she intends to operate.
  • Intends to establish or has established a business in the Republic of South Africa
  • Applicants applying for a permanent residence permit maybe required to provide the below;

    In respect of an application by a foreigner who intends to establish a business or invest in a business that is not established in the Republic

    • A certificate issued by a charted accountant registered with the South African Institute of Charted Accountants or a professional accountant registered with the South African Institute of Professional Accountants to the effect that-
      • At least an amount in cash as determined from time to time by the Minister, after consultation with the Minister of Trade and Industry, by notice in the Gazette, is available; or
      • At least an amount in cash and capital as determined from time to time by the Minister, after consultation with the Minister of Trade and Industry, by notice in the Gazette, is available to be invested in the republic.
      • A business plan outlining the feasibility of the business, both in the short and long term; and
    • An undertaking that at least 60% of the total staff compliment employed in the operations of the business are or shall be citizens or permanent residents employed permanently in various positions.
    • An undertaking to register with the South African Revenue Services.
    • Proof of registration with the relevant professional body, board or council recognised by SAQA in terms of section 13(2) (i) of the National Qualifications Framework Act, where applicable.

    In respect of an application by a foreigner who has established a business or invested in an existing business in the Republic

    • A certificate issued by a charted accountant registered with the South African Institute of Charted Accountants or a professional accountant registered with the South African Institute of Professional Accountants to the effect that-
      • At least an amount in cash as determined from time to time by the Minister, after consultation with the Minister of Trade and Industry, by notice in the Gazette, has been invested in the business; and
      • Proof that at least 60% of the total staff compliment employed in the operations of the business are or shall be citizens or permanent residents employed permanently in various positions.
    • Proof of registration with the-
        South African Revenue Services;
      • Unemployment Insurance Fund;
      • Compensation Fund for Occupational Injuries and Diseases;
      • Companies and Intellectual properties Commission (CPIC); and
      • The relevant professional body, board or council recognised by SAQA in terms of section 13(2)(i) of the National Qualifications Framework Act.
    • Financial statement in respect of the preceding financial year
    • A partnership agreement, if applicable.

  • Is a refugee referred to in Section 27(c) of the Refugees Act, 1998
  • Applicants applying for a permanent residence permit maybe required to provide:

    • Proof of five years continuous refugee status in the Republic
    • Certification from the Standing Committee for Refugee Affairs that applicant will remain a refugee indefinitely.
    • An affidavit regarding aliases used for refugee status application(s) by principal applicant or family members, if applicable.

    • Intends to retire in the Republic of South Africa

  • Is financially independent / has proven that he or she has the prescribed net worth
  • Applicants applying for a permanent residence permit maybe required to provide;

    • Proof that the applicant has the minimum net worth contemplated in regulation 23(11).
    • Payment of R120000 to the Director-General.

  • Is the relative of s South African citizen of permanent resident within the first step of kinship
  • Please note an application for permanent residence in terms of section 27(g) of the Immigration Act 13 of 2011, as amended, read together with Regulation 23(7), requires the citizen or permanent residence holder to satisfy the Director-General that he or she is able and willing to support and maintain the applicant. A minor dependent is not in a position to assume financial, emotional, medical and physical responsibility for a parent. They are therefore unable to fulfill the abovementioned requirement and satisfy the Director-General accordingly. Parents of minor dependents therefore do not qualify for permanent residence in terms of section 27(g) of the Immigration Act.

    Applicants applying for a permanent residence permit maybe required to provide;

    • Proof of kinship or relationship
    • Undertaking by citizen or permanent resident regarding financial, medical, physical and emotional responsibility for applicant.
